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This little person  is winking at you !
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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Contraceptive mandate designed to impact Catholics, CEO tells Congress :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

Read the comments after the article. They are right on....if Catholics don't wake up to the destruction the Obama administration is wreaking on the Catholic Church and America we will end up like all nations from the Roman empire down through Nazi Germany, and Communist Russia.

We are told to pray for President Obama...which we do, but those Catholics who push abortion, contraception, same sex marriage in his administration should be excommunicated. They have been thumbing their noses at the Cardinals, Bishops, and even the Pope for years.
Pastors should remind the faithful who vote for them and support their immoral policy's that if they were to die tonight they would end up in the eternal fires of hell. They will never see their love ones who went before them or their spouses or children who will follow them....Unless they have corrupted their families also...then they will all end up in hell together.

Contraceptive mandate designed to impact Catholics, CEO tells Congress :: Catholic News Agency (CNA)

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