This little person is winking at you !

This little person  is winking at you !
Help Save these little ones, join in the fight to end abortion.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Clinton agrees that a baby “just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights”

There is no doubt of Hillary's commitment to allowing a full term unborn child to be aborted right up until the moment of delivery. There is not a Democrat in the Presidential race who is Pro-Life.

Many Republicans are former Democrats who left the Democrat party because of the Pro-Abortion  Plank in their party. SO SAD that many Pro-Abortion Democrats profess to be Christians. They have abandoned the teachings of their Christian Faith for the Religion of Planned Parenthood and their pro-abortion cartel .

AND sadly there are Republicans who are being lured into the Planned Parenthood

Clinton agrees that a baby “just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights”

Clinton agrees that a baby “just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights”

Hillary is a militant Pro-Abortion person. She will do all in her power if elected to the Presidency to promote all of the Democratic Party Anti- Life,  Anti- Family programs to bring down the Culture of Life that has been the hall mark of  America as proclaimed in our nations Bill of Rights.

Every Unborn child in its mothers womb is a living breathing human being endowed with the RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!

Clinton agrees that a baby “just hours before delivery still has no constitutional rights”

Her statement in the attached link allows for the PRE-MEDIATED MURDER of the INNOCENT UNBORN CHILD.